The Outlook for Management Consulting
The Management Consulting industry has been severely disrupted by the outbreak of COVID-19, with revenue expected to contract by 2.8% in 2020-21.
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The Management Consulting industry has been severely disrupted by the outbreak of COVID-19, with revenue expected to contract by 2.8% in 2020-21.
When the UK's transition period with the European Union ends on 31 December 2020, the EU’s Common Tariff Regime is set to be replaced by a new system.
Recently unveiled reforms to the Superannuation Funds industry are set to deliver better outcomes for consumers, heightening competitive pressure.
Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Auwirkungen der Coronavirus-Pandemie auf den Einsatz von Robotern in der Pflege und die Telemedizin.
With gig workers having been hard hit during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, IBISWorld has assessed how this area of the economy is likely to change in the future.
Senior Analyst Mario Ismailanji provides a macroeconomic update and a risk outlook, touching on important trends in labour, household spending, construction, among others.
Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Möglichkeiten des kontaktlosen Einkaufens in Deutschland und wie sich die Coronakrise darauf auswirkt.
This article provides some insights into the negative effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on spectator sports operators and convention and visitor bureaus, among other sectors.
Vitamin and supplements sales and digital marketing across social media has been successful, but could lead to an increase in product-specific regulation due to public scrutiny.
Lead analyst Jeremy Moses provides an insight into the rise in merger and acquisition activity in the telecommunication sector and its expansion into the prepaid customer market.
IBISWorld, Australia’s largest industry research company, has named the Top 500 private companies for 2019-20.
IBISWorld examines innovation opportunities for supermarkets, through the use of technology to enhance consumer convenience and in-store experiences.
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